Sunday, August 28, 2011

Flashed flowers #7

3 wattles from Canberra and Namadgee National Park. The last vase was too heavy to hold up.


  1. I love wattles. I saw your another post of wattles late in August and wanted to comment but it was too late. I'm very glad to see the beautiful yellow shining flowers again. Thank you so much.

    I saw your Nagasaki post. I really appreciate it. Nagasaki and Hiroshima always make me very sad. Too sad to write about them. I once visited Hiroshima so.... Japanese people seldom write about them on their blogs. I suppose they are as sad as me, thinking of the events.

    I've followed this blog and I'll stop following your another blog. I'll make a link to my "tea time".

  2. Please follow both!
    Magnetic Glimpses is having a small posting break because i have too much work on... but I have a few posts lined up.
